Sperm Freezing / Cryopreservation

Sperm freezing, or cryopreservation, is a simple process that allows for male fertility preservation. The sperm is mixed with a cryoprotectant, a fluid which protects the sperm and allows it to be frozen without being damaged, and then slowly cooled and placed into liquid nitrogen (-196 degrees C). A frozen sperm sample can last for many years, though not all sperm cells will survive long term. 


There is no evidence that babies born from frozen sperm have an increased risk of any medical condition, and it has become a well-established and often utilized part of fertility treatments. 


There are several reasons why one may choose to freeze sperm:

  • Male Infertility
    • A low sperm count or even azoospermia may prevent a couple from conceiving naturally, however they may still be able to become pregnant using reproductive technologies such as IVF or ICSI.  For these procedures, small numbers of sperm or even single sperm cells are selected and used for egg fertilization.  These sperm may be taken either from a fresh sample or a frozen sample.  Therefore, in patients where male factor infertility is a concern, sperm samples may be frozen following analysis and thus saved for later used.   


  • Performance issue
    • Some males may struggle with producing a sample on the day of planned treatment.  In such cases, sperm freezing can be a wonderful alternative, as the sample can be thawed for use on the day of treatment.


  • Medical Necessity
    • For males facing a medical diagnosis such as cancer, where the path to being cured may require a sperm-toxic treatment such as chemotherapy, sperm freezing can be an important first step towards recovery.  With a frozen sample, the patient is then able to plan for a family, regardless of the reproductive effects of their medical treatment.  Other circumstances known to negatively affect sperm counts include excessive alcohol intake, steroid use, and smoking.  One may also choose to freeze sperm prior to a vasectomy, in case they decide at a later point that they want to have (more) children. 


  • Sperm Donation
    • One may also choose to freeze sperm as part of a sperm bank donation, to be used by another family trying to have children.


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