Guidelines for preparing for a sperm analysis

A sperm analysis is the basic examination of a man’s fertility, for it to return precise findings the following guidelines should be followed:

  1. The analysis requires scheduling an appointment with a laboratory.
  2. Must observe 2-5 days of abstinence from sex before the analysis, unless recommended otherwise.
  3. Must use a sterilized cup when collecting the semen (a cup for urine tests), the kind that is sold in every pharmacy or is given out at the doctor’s office.
  4. Using regular lubricants, without first asking the lab, is not allowed (dedicated lubricants are allowed).
  5. Dedicated condomed can be used for collecting samples from intercourse (not a regular condom because these contain spermicide). The content of the condom must be transferred to a sterilized cup.
  6. The sperm sample should be delivered to the lab within an hour from when the sample was given (even if delivery of the sample took a longer period of time, the result will most likely still be precise).
  7. Keep the sperm sample at room temperature (the temperature that you feel comfortable in).
  8. If some of the fluid is spilled, the lab must be notified.
  9. Inform the lab of any illness or medication taken in the three months leading up to the analysis.

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