Fructose Test

Fructose is the sugar of the semen, providing energy for the sperm cells and allowed them to remain motile and vital.  

A fructose test is indicated when no sperm is observed in the sample and the total volume of the ejaculate is low.   A negative result, an absence of fructose, can signal an obstruction at any point leading up to the ejaculatory duct, or the complete absence of seminal vesicles. The discovery of a blockage can lead to a diagnosis of obstructive azoospermia, in which case there is a high likelihood of discovering mature sperm cells in the testis. Surgical corrections can be performed to fix the blockage, depending on its location.  

The presence of fructose in a sample where there are no sperm cells may be indicative of non-obstructive azoospermia, and further investigation is required. 


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