Stem Cell Therapy

Spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) therapy is a cutting-edge approach for treating male infertility. In this approach, sperm stem cells are collected via a testicular biopsy, transferred to a test tube, and cultured with molecular effectors in order to transform them into fully matured sperm. When the sperm cells are mature, they can be cryo-frozen before being used in intra-testicular stem cell transplantation. SSC transplantation is a promising technique for male infertility treatment and restoration of spermatogenesis in the case of degenerative diseases such as cancer, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. SSCs are the basis for spermatogenesis and fertility in men. SSCs are characterized by their ability to differentiate into spermatozoa throughout the male reproductive life.

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Sperm Freezing / Cryopreservation

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Maturation Arrest

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